Accepted papers

Autoethnographic Removal as a Method
Sarah Homewood and Amanda Karlsson

Micro-phenomenology in First Person HCI and Design Research
Mirjana Prpa and Philippe Pasquier

First-Person User Experience Research Methods in the Automotive Context
Ingrid Pettersson

Accelerated Design Processes: A Pragmatic Study of how Game Jam and Hackathon Formats Shape Design Processes
Jeanette Falk Olesen

On the Role of Materials in One-to-One Data Physicalization
Maria Karyda and Andrés Lucero

First Person HCI Research: Tapping into Designers’ Tacit Experiences 
Corina Sas

First-person research in the arts: exploring the values behind new music technology
Giacomo Lepri and Andrew McPherson

SlowBreath: First-Person Research for Self-Management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis 
Jorun Børsting and  Alma Leora Culén 

Reflective Knowledge Productionthrough a Designer-Researcher Approach
William Odom, Tal Amram, Amy Yo Sue Chen, Henry Lin, Jordan White and MinYoung Yoo

A Long-term Autoethnographic Material Speculation of Dynamic Fabric
Angella Mackey and Ron Wakkary

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