
9:00-9:15Welcome by the Organizers
9:15-10:15Madness Presentations
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:00World Café (3x20min rounds)
12:30-14:00Lunch break
14:00-15:00Vignettes – Lived Experiences
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:30Group discussion
EXTRAWorkshop dinner

The first half of the workshop (the morning) will be dedicated to introducing current and emerging forms of conducting first-person research in HCI and interaction design.

In order to acquaint themselves, all attendees will engage in madness presentations around the room where they will be asked to present their position paper in two minutes, without slides. We will then take a moment of introspection to write down some personal thoughts about the presentations we will have just witnessed and/or the overall questions of the workshop before sharing with others. We will use the outcome of this discussion to prepare a list of diverse and relevant topics for the next activity.

After a first coffee break, we will go into World Café mode where the previously identified topics will be discussed at different tables. Twenty-minute rounds will be conducted so that everybody can touch on three topics. A different ‘table host’ responsible for documenting the discussion on sticky notes, cards or craft materials will be defined each round. When the time comes to switch tables, the ‘table host’ will stay behind and introduce those arriving at the table to the topic the previous group will have just discussed.

Before lunch, we will spend some time to share the topics discussed at each table (followed by a further 15 minutes of introspection). To invite and encourage attendees to keep an active attitude, and to explore different ideas, the second half of the workshop (the afternoon) will start by sharing vignettes of lived experiences. 6 workshop participants will be invited ahead of time to share their experiences with the group (5-10 minutes each). We will choose participants who can share a broad range of experiences to share. They will be able to pick a format that suits best their narrative (e.g., oral storytelling, video or photo diary, body-based enactment). This activity is intended to go into first-person mode, potentially helping us dive deeper into issues that are grounded in real experiences. This will again be followed by group discussion.

After a second coffee break, we will engage in group discussion to discuss the outcomes of the day to person research vignette as part of their contribution to the workshop.

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